Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information 2024-07-10

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act, California residents have the right to opt-out of the sale of their personal information, as well as opt-out of sharing of their personal information with a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising. Residents in other U.S. states may have similar rights. If you are a user of our games and apps, you may be able to opt-out of ad tracking by using the settings on your mobile device ( see the Promotional Material and Announcements section of our privacy policy). You may also exercise your right interactively by visiting our Privacy Platform which can be found here: Please kindly note that to log in to this privacy platform, you may have to input your Player ID and PIN number for the purpose of identity verification, which you may find in the Personal Data Request page located in the Setting menu of our mobile application. If you have any questions about your request, please feel free to email us at